Colin Campbell

Colin Campbell


Colin is fluent in Italian and lived in Italy from age 17 to 22. He has the equivalent of an associate of arts from the University of Florence. Colin graduated from New York University, where he majored in acting. Colin has appeared in over 50 plays in New York. He was born in Mexico City where his parents lived briefly. His father is a doctor, and the family lived on an Indian reservation in Washington State till Colin was 12. Colin is all Scottish. His father a Campbell, his mother a fiery Stewart. Colin has a slight Southern accent.
  • Where was
    Colin Campbell born?

    Colin Campbell was born in Mexico City, Distrito Federal, Mexico

Best Quotes

  • Indeed, the Founders mentioned the pagan authors in so many heartfelt speeches, pamphlets and letters that today's sweeping references to America's 'Christian' roots and 'Judeo-Christian heritage' ought to be amended. Maybe these terms should be reserved to explain the traditional religions and morality of individuals, families, congregations, small communitities. Politically, our notions of virtue and vice have had another genesis.
  • Colin Campbell Quotes- See more quotes

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