Eugenie Bouchard

Eugenie Bouchard


Known for her mobility and her aggressive but unpredictable style of play, she reached the semifinals of the 2014 Australian Open. She began playing tennis when she was 5 years old. She won the Tevlin Women's Challenger in 2012.
  • When was
    Eugenie Bouchard born?

    Eugenie Bouchard was born on Friday, February 25, 1994

  • Where was
    Eugenie Bouchard born?

    Eugenie Bouchard was born in Montreal, Canada

  • How old is
    Eugenie Bouchard?

    Eugenie Bouchard is 31

  • How much is Eugenie Bouchard worth?

    Eugenie Bouchard is worth $6 Million

  • How tall is Eugenie Bouchard?

    Eugenie Bouchard is 5 ft. 10 in. (1.78 metre)

  • How much does Eugenie Bouchard weigh?

    Eugenie Bouchard weighs 134 lbs. (60.9 kilos)

  • How many matches has Eugenie Bouchard won in their career?

    Eugenie Bouchard has won 141 matches

  • How many matches has Eugenie Bouchard won in their career?

    Eugenie Bouchard has won 126 matches

  • What is Eugenie Bouchard's highest singles ranking?

    Eugenie Bouchard highest singles ranking is 5

  • What is Eugenie Bouchard's highest doubles ranking?

    Eugenie Bouchard highest doubles ranking is 103

  • How much prize money has Eugenie Bouchard won over their career?

    Eugenie Bouchard has earnt $6,285,070 USD in prize money

Eugenie Bouchard Highlights

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