Robert E. Lee

Robert E. Lee


American career military officer who commanded the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia during the American Civil War. He surrendered to Union General Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Court House on April 9, 1865.
  • When was
    Robert E. Lee born?

    Robert E. Lee was born on Monday, January 19, 1807

  • Where was
    Robert E. Lee born?

    Robert E. Lee was born in Stratford Hall, VA

  • How old is
    Robert E. Lee?

    Robert E. Lee is 218

Best Quotes

  • You must be careful how you walk, and where you go, for there are those following you who will set their feet where yours are set.
  • To be a good soldier, you must love the army. To be a good commander, you must be willing to order the death of the thing you love.
  • There is a terrible war coming, and these young men who have never seen war cannot wait for it to happen, but I tell you, I wish that I owned every slave in the South, for I would free them all to avoid this war.
  • Strike the tent.
  • Our country demands all our strength, all our energies. To resist the powerful combination now forming against us will require every man at his place. If victorious, we have everything to hope for in the future. If defeated, nothing will be left for us to live for. My whole trust is in God, and I am ready for whatever He may ordain.
  • My experience through life has convinced me that, while moderation and temperance in all things are commendable and beneficial, abstinence from spirituous liquors is the best safeguard of morals and health.
  • It would appear that General Hooker has placed his hindquarters where his headquarters should be. (So said by Lee when he learned that General Hooker, the new Union Commander, had written, in a letter to his soldiers, that My headquarters will be 'in the saddle.'
  • It is well that war is so terrible, or we should get too fond of it.
  • It is well that war is so terrible, or we should grow too fond of it.
  • I think it better to do right, even if we suffer in so doing, than to incur the reproach of our consciences and posterity.
  • Robert E. Lee Quotes- See more quotes

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